Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Server crashed for some reason |
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Param name | Description |
q optional |
Params for Ransack Search Validations:
q[org_name_eq] optional |
Search by Reporter Validations:
q[date_begin_gteq] optional |
Search by date begin, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Validations:
q[date_begin_lteq] optional |
Search by date end, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Validations:
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Page Number Validations:
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Entries per page. Validations:
Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Server crashed for some reason |
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Param name | Description |
q optional |
Params for Ransack Search Validations:
q[agg_report_date_begin_gteq] optional |
Search by start date of agg report format: “mm-dd-yyyy” Validations:
q[agg_report_date_end_gteq] optional |
Search by end date of agg report format: “mm-dd-yyyy” Validations:
q[agg_report_org_name_eq] optional |
Search by search by reporter Validations:
q[ip_address_source_ip_eq] optional |
Search by source ip Validations:
q[ip_address_ptr_eq] optional |
Search by PTR Validations:
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Search by country alpha2 code e.g. “us” for “United States of America” Validations:
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Search by for Volume Validations:
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Search by SPF Validations:
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Search by SPF Auth Result Validations:
q[spf_domain_eq] optional |
Search by SPF Domain Validations:
q[spf_domain_eq] optional |
Search by SPF Auth Scope Validations:
q[reason_eq] optional |
Search by Policy Override Reason Validations:
q[dkim_alignment_eq] optional |
Search by DKIM Alignment: true for Aligned, false for Unaligned Validations:
q[dkim_status_eq] optional |
Search by DKIM Validations:
q[dkims_result_eq] optional |
Search by DKIM Auth result Validations:
q[dkims_domain_eq] optional |
Search by DKIM Domain Validations:
q[dkims_selector_eq] optional |
Search by DKIM selector Validations:
q[dmarc_compliance_eq] optional |
Search by DMARC Compliance: 0 for complaint, 1 for non compliant and 2 for forwarded Validations:
page optional |
Page Number Validations:
per optional |
Entries per page. Validations:
Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Server crashed for some reason |
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